Upcoming Classes

Mining Truth In Memoir: Searching For Our Gold – Our Personal Truth

This class is designed as a prospecting journey. We load the jeep with the tools we need and head out into the hills. (All online, of course). Knowing that the story we have been telling ourselves all of these years is at best a watered-down version of the real truth, and we set out to find the truth and tell our ‘real’ story. For we know, our real story is the one the readers will be able to relate to – they want to know that the writer is real and honest in what they are sharing. Join us for this 8-week class and explore the depths of your emotional truth.

Registration begins: July 8, 2024
Class begins: August 12, 2024

Do We Dare Break The Mold? "Who Exactly Am I Really?"

This is a question we all ask ourselves at one time or the other. Join us as we learn to put a creative spin on our Bios!

Group Presentations Available: If you would like a group presentation please contact Susan Nunn

A Writing Journey Series (Part 1): Unlocking Your Emotional Center - Let The Words Flow

Are you ready to dive deep into your emotions and discover the power of storytelling?

Class starts: July 1, 2024
Duration: 8 Weeks

Format: Weekly Online Sessions and Writing Assignments
Regular Pricing: $697.00

Payment Plans for Regular Pricing Available

Price: $1997 (Multiple payment options)
Registration: Opens September 20, 2024
Class Begins: October 28, 2024

FROM PEN TO PRINT: A 6-Month Writing, Editing, and Publishing Journey

Bring Your Work ~ Let’s Get It Done


Registration: Opens September 20, 2024
Class begins: October 28, 2024

Study sessions on Wednesday at 10 AM (MST) and Saturdays from 10 AM – 12 PM (MST)

Writing Workshop
Registration: Anytime
Class Starts: When you register
Price: $27 per month
You can come on any or all days, and you can quit whenever you like. 

Just sign up and show up!

Rise Inspired Collective A Meditation And Writing Space For Kindred Spirits

Join our Meditation and Writing Space for Kindred Spirits (Like-Minded Individuals*) ~

*Yes, there is one thing that brings us all together, and that is our writing.

A daily Zoom space to drop in for Meditation and Writing –

Every morning at 6:30 a.m. Mountain Time.

That is 8:30 a.m. Eastern and 5:30 a.m. Pacific

Come every day or whenever it works for you.

Pricing: $367, pre-registration price $317 ($50 discount)

A Writing Journey Series (Part 2): Bringing Your Characters To Life

There is nothing more rewarding than to see your characters come to life on the page.

Many of us can remember, somewhere back in our past, either playing with paper dolls or watching our little siblings playing with them. The child envisioned that doll coming to life, and if you asked, the child would tell you all about that doll, her name, where she is going, her clothes, everything the imagination could dream up. There was a whole life dreamed into that doll.

Well, the same goes for us and our characters. Until we breathe light and emotion into our characters, they are no different than the paper dolls waiting for a child’s imagination to infuse them.

We take the processes learned in Part 1 and apply them along with some other tools to our Characters. Character development, which should be ongoing throughout the book, is key to great writing. Others may differ, but I feel if a character doesn’t live with the reader long after they have finished reading the book, there is something wrong. Come join us in an exciting class that will bring life and joy to your work!

Pre-registration: TBD
Registration closes: TBD
Class begins: TBD
Pricing: $367

A Writing Journey Series (Part 3): Writing The Spirit and Texture of Place

This class is one of my favorites as we watch the landscape come alive. It is so powerful it could be considered a character because the landscape can make or break your story.

Taking what we have learned in our first two classes, and then adding some tools that will help you to understand the landscape, I will guide you into your emotional center where we can feel the power of the landscape you have chosen in your writing.

Evergreen Classes

Registration: Anytime
Pricing: FREE with email subscription

Creating A Sustainable Writing Life

Writing takes focus, and we’ll cover the importance of attention and focus and share how your brain often works against you when you’re trying to do focused work. We will also work with designing your writing environment to eliminate distractions so you can focus on generating and developing your story ideas.

I have included some Feng Shui tips to help you with energy flow in your space, and gifted you with a Feng Shui tool.

Registration: Anytime
Pricing: $97

Leaning Into Silence: Building Unforgettable Scenes – A Writing Class


Once used as a workshop and then at silent retreats, I have now brought it to you as a mini-class (all in three modules) and evergreen, which means when you sign up, you have total access, and you can go back to it as many times as you like. Through the act of silence, we learn to listen (not hear) but listen and also, we learn the “art of seeing”. So many times, we think we already know these things, until we put our attention to it and realize we miss so much in life.

Designed to help you “see” and “listen” to your surroundings brings your scenes into focus. It is simple, yet profound. When we move out into nature, where this was originally designed to be, you will be amazed how things come into perspective. Come away from the process ready to write great scenes.


Pricing: $347
Student Pricing: $299

Building the Foundation of Story: A Beginner’s Class

Students welcome. I’m excited to offer this beginner’s writing class! There is something about fresh ideas and laughter, and I am so ready!

This class will be fun as we create and build our foundation in which we will then let our words flow. I will give you a syllabus as we get closer to launch time of this class. This will be an 8-week class so we can use at least two weeks of it writing.


Price: $67/mo, or 3 months at $175

A Writing Journey Series

Created for those who have taken one of the Writing Journey classes, (Part 1, 2, or 3) For any others who may want to be a part of our community, please send an email, so we can discuss it. This class opens on July 13 th , and is a weekly one hour Zoom workshop. We are here to finish up our writing projects and I am here to help you in any way possible.